Enrol Now for 2024!

In 2024, we are taking our decade of experience to the next level.

Join us for our BEST YEAR YET!

If you are ready to join the Velocity Family in 2024 you can ENROL NOW via the button below. If you still want more information or would like to chat about your options, just send us an email at info@velocityperformingarts.com.au and we will be in touch.

Free Uniform in 2024

In 2024, the first 100 Velocity JNR Registrations and the first 100 registrations from students 7 years or older will receive a free uniform piece.

For our Velocity JNR girls they will receive a gorgeous Leotard Dress

For our girls aged 7 years or older they will receive a black crop

For all our Velocity Boys they will receive a cool tee

Enrol Now so you don’t miss out!